17 May 2012

Pile auto numbering - tip and tricks

I came across a problem with a huge number of piles to be automatically numbered using the Revit Extension Element Positioning module. A word of warning is that, make sure to select first the piles you want to number before starting the Extension Element positioning module. This is to avoid waiting time while the Extension prepares the data. The program will scan the whole project and this might takes a long time if there are a lot of elements in the model.

Secondly, do not group piles, because when you do the numbering using the Extension you will receive an error about group editing and finally you will end up ungrouping the piles you have previously created.

For the procedure on how to use the auto numbering, see my previous article published last April 2011.

Thanks for dropping by.

16 May 2012

Codes for Arial

For your quick reference, below are codes for Arial letter type:

© alt + 0169
« alt + 0171
® alt + 0174
° alt + 0176
± alt + 0177
² alt + 0178
³ alt + 0179
» alt + 0187
¼ alt + 0188
½ alt + 0189
¾ alt + 0190
ΓΈ alt + 0248